Excerpt pages
- Intro: the game, the odds, the play styles, the paths, users manual
- Brand: brand plan, personal guarantee, your website
- Presence: online press kits, social media mistake, loyalty rules, messaging
- Market: earn your readers, push vs. pull marketing, advertising, negative space, open water
- Project: uniquely familiar, free prize, swag
Booklink pages
- Archetype test
- Archetype system options
- Design resources
- Display resources
- Downloads & shareables
- Exercises
- Typographic genetics
- Genre organizations
- Pitches & queries
- Playstyle test
- A brief history of publishing
- Quizzes & survey services
- Sample documents
- Software options
- Style sheet examples
- Worksheets
Privacy Policy
Any contact information collected by the Your A Game authors and their staff via newsletter, giveaway, or direct exchange will adhere to the following privacy policy:
- No information collected in any venue by Your A Game will be distributed in any way to any third party at any time unless specifically stated.
- Your A Game newsletter subscribers must elect to join this mail-serve themselves and will not be added manually unless this is specifically requested in writing. No information collected will be used to populate any other newsletter or mailing lists, including the personal mailing lists of the authors of this book.
- For contests, winners will be announced on one or all of the following public mediums: the Your A Game website, Twitter, Facebook, newsletter, Rafflecopter, or other social media service. Only the name given as an entrant will be displayed. No emails, addresses, or phone numbers will ever be shared when winners are announced.
- Information collected for giveaways will be saved only for purposes of picking winners and delivering giveaway prizes. Reply emails from winners will be saved only to verify receipt of notification. Any physical addresses collected for purposes of this contest will be used only to mail prize winnings and will not be saved or used for any other purpose now or at any time.
If you have questions about this privacy policy, please email us at info@your-A-game.com.